Fussy is a business set up in 2020 by 34 year old Matt Kennedy and his business partner Eddie Fisher to produce and market personal care products that are not only the best at what they do but also do no harm to the human race and our planet starting with a natural refillable deodorant.
The casing for the deodorant is made of a plant-extract based plastic that is fully bio-degradable and refills, which are also plant based, are sent direct to the customer’s door. It’s green and eco-friendly in every sense at the same time as being a highly effective deodorant – as one would expect from a company that is Fussy in everything it does!
Having initially been funded by family and friends in December 2020, Fussy raised over £500,000 in new equity with Dunelm Partners contributing £100,000. This fundraising followed on from a highly successful campaign for the deodorant on Kickstarter that achieved advance sales of just under £120,000 in four weeks.
To maintain the momentum in 2022 Fussy raised a further £1.5m with Dunelm Partners again participating and including a successful crowd-funding exceeding £700k. Excitement occurred in early 2022 when Matt and Eddie pitched on BBC’s Dragons’ Den attracting great interest from all the dragons and resulting in Deborah Meaden and Peter Jones joining Fussy’s investor base. The TV appearance also gave the sales figures a notable boost!
Fussy continued to successfully expand its business throughout 2023 and took its first steps into retail with a listing in over 800 Tesco stores. As a result, the current annual run rate revenue at the end of March 2024 is in excess of £12m. In accordance with long established plans to expand the product base a body bar was also successfully introduced to the market.
To help facilitate further expansion of the business, in March 2024 Fussy raised significant additional capital investment from venture capital funds Guiness Ventures and Velocity at a valuation that fully recognised its success to date. All of this has been achieved in accordance with the company’s firmly held eco-principles.
Sometimes it just pays to be that little bit Fussy!
For more information on Fussy please go to www.getfussy.com